Short CV


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Astrophysicist / Data Analyst

Astrophysicist with +10 years professional experience since PhD (2009), with special focus on astronomical instrumentation. Passionate about data analysis, software development and technology.


Programming: Python, IDL, Fortran | Bayesian / Frequentist Statistical Analysis, Calculus | Data Science / Machine Learning: certified Deep Learning Specialization by | svn, git (github) | HTML, Linux, Webmaster, Photoshop | Astronomical Observations and Instrumentation


Euclid-VIS Instrument Scientist, 10/2015 to Present | MSSL/UCL | Dorking, UK

  • VIS is one of the instruments of the Euclid Mission (ESA). Responsible of instrument calibration and performance assessment against Scientific requirements | Developed a data processing/analysis pipeline (vison, +50k lines in Python) to monitor acquisition and process ~2TB of data from the ground calibration of the instrument.

Software Developer/Researcher, 11/2012-08/2015 | DIAS | Dublin, Ireland

  • Part of the software support team for MIRI (JWST Mission, NASA/ESA/CSA). Co-developed an instrument simulator (MIRISIM) for the astrophysical community | Lecturer.

Postdoc Researcher, 05/2009 – 10/2012 | CSIC | Madrid, Spain

  • Part of Test Team of MIRI / JWST | Ground data acquisition, analysis and reporting | preparation of observation proposals | Developed a radiometric simulator to calibrate the instrument.


PhD in Astrophysics |Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias / University of La Laguna | Spain, 2009

BS in Physics | University of La Laguna | Spain, 2003

Other Aspects

Nationality: Spanish

Languages: Spanish (native), English (fluent), German (CEFRL: B2), Mandarin (CEFRL: A2, HSK 4)

Publications List

Interests: Sailing, Nature, Literature, History, Space Exploration, Cooking, Bikes, Travel